
The Academy's Standing Committees & Task Forces

Best Paper Award Committee
Selects the Best Paper Award each year, either for a doctoral dissertation (even numbered year) or a master's thesis/special project paper (odd numbered year). Promotes opportunity for award via Academy publications, Educator listserv(s), JPRA editors, and The Academy for Leisure Sciences (TALS). Award is presented at General Membership Meeting or virtually with author invited to briefly describe their research findings. 

Bylaws Committee
Responds to board request(s) for proposed additions or amendments to the bylaws. Prepares Board approved bylaws changes to the membership for final acceptance.

Extern Committee 
Promotes the opportunity and selects four young professionals as externs to the annual NRPA Conference. Two of the extern opportunities are the Ernest T. Atwell Externships, intended for diversity candidates. 

National Gold Medal Award Committee  
Prepares and delivers website and social media materials to market the National Gold Medal Award program to promote this prestigious award to the profession; coordinates a webinar to encourage agencies to apply; coordinates education session at NRPA; assists with the Gold Medal Gala Reception and coordinates acknowledgment of the Gold Medal winners and finalists in local community presentations after the NRPA Conference. The Committee does not judge the Gold Medal applications.

Hall of Fame Committee (in partnership with NRPA) 
Selects individuals who have made outstanding and lasting contributions to the advancement of recreation and parks (nominee must be deceased for at least five years prior to nomination). It is a memorial to those leaders who have enriched our philosophy and enhanced our environment. Induction takes place during the NRPA Conference. The Hall of Fame is housed at NRPA Headquarters. The Academy appoints four representatives who assist this joint committee; terms are five years.  

Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee (JEDI) 
Dedicated to fostering an inclusive environment for all Academy Fellows through programs and initiatives that combat systemic and structural racism, and promote a culture of equity for all, through knowledge advancement, research, education, and scholarly efforts. Programs may also be aimed at the profession as well.

Legends in Parks & Recreation Committee 
Identifies distinguished administrators; educators; local, state, or federal elected officials; and/or citizens who have made outstanding contributions to parks, recreation, and conservation. Selected Legends are interviewed typically by their nominator. Academy membership is not required to nominate or be a nominee. Coordinates taping of interviews.

Membership Committee (established by Bylaws)
Evaluates membership nominations and submits its recommendations for induction to the Board. Recommends changes to the membership nomination process including the form, criteria, and evaluation process. The committee consists of, in addition to the President, six appointed members, each having been a member of the Academy for not less than three years. Members serve for one three-year term.  

Mentoring Committee
Pairs seasoned professionals (Mentors) with young professionals, students, and new directors (Mentees) to share experiences and to provide development opportunities from April through November. Coordinates a webinar to encourage professionals to apply, as well as an interactive webinar with program participants at the conclusion of the year. Mentors do not need to be Academy members. Operates in conjunction with NRPA’s Young Professional Network (YPN).

Nominating Committee (established by Bylaws)
Solicits candidates for the officer and director election. Notifies the membership of the opportunity for self-nomination. Recommends slate to the Board of Directors. Chaired by the immediate Past President and includes five members, with the majority being past presidents and the President-Elect. 

Pugsley Medal Committee (established by Bylaws)  
Oversees the Pugsley Medal Award program including submitting nominees to the Board of Directors for concurrence. Composed of five voting members, all of whom must have received a Pugsley Award, and at least three must be members of the Academy. Terms are three years, and a member may serve not more than three consecutive complete terms. In conference with the Committee Chair, the President may appoint up to two additional Pugsley recipients as honorary non-voting members, who serve in an advisory capacity. Honorary members may, but need not be, Academy Members. 

Research for the Profession Committee
Fosters greater connectivity between research and evidence-based practice (e.g., programming, planning, administration), as well as among those who engage in such activities. 

Branding & Social Media Task Force
Focuses on enhancing the visibility and engagement of the Academy by implementing key initiatives throughout all committees and task forces, including social media strategy development, website improvements, and content promotion.

Career Development Task Force
Develops resources for professionals who are entering the parks, recreation, and conservation profession, professionals who are being promoted to supervisory positions, and professionals in supervisory positions who are advancing to organizational leadership.