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Nominations Open for Academy Membership March 20 - May 16, 2025

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Individuals must be nominated for AAPRA membership by a current member, and they must secure two letters of support from additional Academy members. Requirements for membership include minimum of 15 years of experience at a high level of administration and a BS or BA degree. High level positions may be general manager, executive director, director, deputy director, superintendent with significant experience and oversight in parks, recreation, personnel, training, budgeting, planning, capital improvements, and marketing. Educator nominee must have attained the rank of full professor or served in a high level of academic administration. Practitioner and educator nominees must also be recognized as a leader through professional involvement, publications, major presentations, and honors and awards. Visit the Member Information page to learn more. See Professional (Practitioner) Nomination Form and Urban Director Nomination Form  and Educator Nomination Form to apply. 

Call for Pugsley Medal Candidates Open March 20 - May 16, 2025

Thursday, March 20, 2025

2025 nominations opened March 27 will close May 16, 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time with the medal presented in the fall. The Pugsley Medal purpose is to honor outstanding contributions in parks and conservation. The Pugsley Medal is awarded to citizens, political leaders, park and conservation professionals who have dedicated their efforts to the advancement of parks and conservation at the local, regional, state, or national levels. Medal recipients inspire us as they have accomplished great things in furthering the parks and conservation agenda in the United States in their community in their region or state or nationally. 

Conversations that Matter: Partnership with USTA's Park Agency Tennis Assessment: A Tool to Improve Your Community (Which Includes Pickleball)

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Thursday April 17, 2025: START TIME: 9:00 AM PT | 10:00 AM MT | 11:00 AM CT | 12:00 PM ET (75 minutes) CEUs: 0.1 CEUs are available for this session. Learn about the USTA Park Agency Tennis Assessment (PATA) process: Discover how this complimentary consultation service provides personalized recommendations and action items to improve tennis delivery in your community. 

A Choice Career: Parks and Recreation

Sunday, February 9, 2025

The American Academy for Park and Recreation Administration (AAPRA), Pennsylvania Recreation and Park Society (PRPS), and National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) are proud to announce a career development video has been produced and financed by PRPS and is now available to introduce high school and college students to parks and recreation as a viable career choice.

Housed at, the video is associated with complementary career development materials available to agencies and professionals nationwide. It is designed to be an integral component of seasonal staff orientations, new employee trainings, introductions to public recreation programs like family movie nights and teen programs, high school and public event presentations, and many other local opportunities that engage with the video’s prime audience.

A Choice Career: Parks and Recreation offers an interview-driven, “real people, real stories,” approach to create a compelling, emotional appeal that expands viewers’ awareness and understanding of the diversity and viability of a meaningful and fulfilling career in parks and recreation—along with an invitation to connect interest with action.

Call for Best Paper Masters Thesis/Special Project Paper Opens March 20

Sunday, February 9, 2025

In support of its research mission, the American Academy for Park & Recreation Administration (AAPRA) hosts an annual research paper competition that alternates between best doctoral dissertation (even numbered years) and best master’s thesis/special project paper (odd numbered years). The following three awards will be given in 2025: One (1) Masters/Special Project Paper $750 and up to $500 in travel funds to attend the NRPA 2025 Annual Conference in Orlando, FL, September 16-18, 2025, and a Award Certificate of Merit. Two (2) Certificate of Merit awards to two Masters/Special Project Paper finalists.