What Is the Academy

What Is the Academy

The American Academy for Park and Recreation Administration

Our Vision
To Inspire, Influence and Advance the Park and Recreation Profession

Our Core Values
Leadership: We are viewed as thoughtful leaders and as a resource for the profession.

Impactful: We use our collective wisdom and experience to improve the parks and recreation profession.

Innovative and Progressive: We are a learning community that embodies continuous improvement within the changing needs of the profession.

Belonging: We commit to justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion by actively seeking to create safe, secure, and supportive environments.

Our Mission 
An Academy of distinguished park and recreation administrators and scholars
committed to research, professional development and the use of best practices

The Academy is a national organization comprised of highly experienced professionals and educators dedicated to the advancement of the profession of parks and recreation. 

The Academy is limited to 137 current practitioners and educators. Membership is by nomination, and nominees must have extensive administrative experience, professional involvement, and demonstrated leadership.

The Academy is committed to a culture of justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion in the profession of parks and recreation by celebrating diversity without division through the provision of tools and strategies for the inclusion of all.

The Academy focus is to inspire and advance public Park and Recreation administration by promoting research, professional development and mentoring of professionals. The Academy recognizes excellence in Parks and Recreation through various awards, including the prestigious National Gold Medal Awards program. The Academy also publishes a scholarly publication, The Journal for Park and Recreation Administration, bridging the gap between research and practice.