Chris Nunes, PhD., CPRE Chief Operating Officer The Woodlands, TX
William Nelson Retired Director of Rock Island Park & Recreation Department Director of Rock Island Park & Recreation Foundation Rock Island, IL
Ronald Olson Chief Michigan Department of Natural Resources Lansing, MI
1401 Marvin Rd NE STE 307, #552 Lacey, WA 98516
Jason Anselment Illinois Association of Park Districts Springfield, IL
Bill Clevenger, CPRP Decatur Park District – Retired Decatur, IL
Karla Henderson North Carolina State University Professor Emeritus Estes Park, CO
Dianne Hoover, Secretary Retired Bonney Lake, WA
William (Bill) C. Scalzo, CPRP, Treasurer Managing Partner World Class Service Gilbert, AZ
Chris Dropinski Boulder, CO
Mr. John C. Potts Chillicothe, IL
Ms. Jane H. Adams (ex officio) Sacramento, CA