Member Biography

William G. Nelson

William G. Nelson is the Executive Director of the Rock Island (IL) Park and Recreation Board. Previously he served as Director of Parks and Recreation for the City of Stillwater, OK (1984-98); Superintendent of Recreation, Zion (IL) Park District (1982-84); Director of Public Information, Zion (IL) Park District (1980-82); Director of Aquatics, Zion (IL) Park District (1977-80). He received his Bachelor of Science in Recreation and Park Administration and Education from Indiana University (1975) and his Master of Science in Recreation and Park Administration (1980) from Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana. He is also a graduate of the Executive Training Program held at Indiana University. Bill has served as an adjunct professor at Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma and Western Illinois University, at the Quad City Campus in Moline.

Bill has served on the NRPA Board of Trustees, Board Member (1991-96); President of the American Park and Recreation Society (1994-95); Chair of the NRPA Southwest Regional Council (1989-90); Secretary of the Council of Affiliate Presidents (1989-90); and President of the Oklahoma Park and Recreation Society (1988-89).

He also served as Constitution and Bylaws Chair for the NRPA Board of Trustees (1996), and Chair for the NRPA Regional Representation Task Force (1995). He served as the Editor for APRS, Keeping You Current Newsletter (1990 and 1991), and made numerous presentations at State, Regional and National Conferences. Bill received the Meritorious Service Award, American Park and Recreation Society (1996); the Distinguished Service Award, Oklahoma Recreation and Park Society (1994) APRS President’s Service Award (1992); Communications and Marketing Appreciation Award, American Red Cross (1983); Annual Conservation Award, National Audubon Society, Oklahoma (1995); and the Wes Francis Wave Award (NRPA, 1976).