Lawrence Zehnder's parks and recreation experience has spanned a period of 42 years holding top administrative positions in Athens Tennessee, Charleston SC, Norfolk Virginia and most recently retiring after 15 years with the City of Chattanooga Tennessee. He has served as NRPA's SE Regional Director and has been state association president in Virginia and Tennessee. He began his long career in parks with the Cleveland (OH) Metro Parks Department in 1969 and went on to receive his formalized training in Recreation and Park Administration from Clemson University. Mr. Zehnder is presently a Senior Parks and Recreation Planner with the engineering and park planning firm of Barge, Waggoner, Sumner and Cannon. He has made several presentations at national and state conferences and was selected to address an international workshop on parks in East Germany in 2003 and a forum of 16 countries in China in 2007. [current as of 10/2014]Long Biography