Christine "Chris" Dropinski is Senior Manager with BerryDunn for its Parks, Recreation and Libraries consulting group. This builds on a strong foundation of 20 years as Owner and Senior Principal at GreenPlay, LLC, a former parks, recreation, open space, and trails management consulting firm (merged with BerryDunn); and 24 years of parks and recreation administration with nearly half of that as Director Parks and Recreation Department in Boulder, Colorado. Armed with a teaching degree in addition to her P&R degree, Chris graduated Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science in Recreation Administration/ Education in 1977 from the State University of New York at Cortland where she was a member of Kappa Delta Pi National Honor Society in Education. Over the years, she claims she also earned a "masters in motherhood," having raised three boys with her husband Mike.
She is a member of both the National and the Colorado Parks and Recreation Associations. Supporting a belief in giving back to the profession, Chris is a regular presenter at state and national conferences and schools and has authored several articles and blogs. Her efforts have been recognized as recipient of the NRPA Midwest Region Fellow Award, Colorado Parks and Recreation Association (CPRA) Fellow Award, CPRA Outstanding Leadership Nominee, CPRA President’s Award, and Danford Case Grant to attend the Executive Development Program early in her career.
Chris has passionately helped move our profession forward, serving in leadership and faculty positions ranging from non-profits and foundations, including President of the American Parks and Recreation Foundation, the board of the National Association of Park Foundations, the Advisory Board for GP RED, and the Board of Regents and Chair of the Rocky Mountain Revenue Resources Management School, to name a few. As a Certified Parks and Recreation Executive, a 2004 inductee of the American Academy for Park and Recreation Administration, and experienced consultant, she continues to help organizations remain relevant in our ever-changing environment.
Living in Colorado is extraordinary, and motherhood has been the joy of her life. Church and music, both singing and ukulele, golf, and kayaking all bring meaning to life. [updated 5-2023]