Recipient Biography

Howard B. Bloomer


Howard B. Bloomer(1857-1953) of Detroit, Michigan, received the Pugsley Gold Medal in 1935 for his geberous gifts of parks to the State of Michigan and for his aid in the state and national parks fields. He helped establish 15 parks in his lifetime. Bloomer was born in St. Louis, Missouri. Bloomer was elected president of the college's alumini association in 1945 and a trustee in 1946. Bloomer was a member of the Detroit law firm of MacGregor and they both published Michigan Corporation Law and Limited Partnership Associations. He was a member of the Michigan Conservation Commission from 1923-27 and chair of that commission from 1927-28. He became a member of the Huron-Clinton Metropolitan Authority's Board of Commissioners in 1945, a position he held until his death.

Bllomer also served on the board of directors of the National Conference of the State Parks from 1925-1958 and in 1937 was appointed a life member. Bloomer was a firm believer in the philosophy that one should gice away as much as one spent on oneself. He was a founder of Boys Club in Detroit in 1925. He said " he expects and hopes- to die a poor man". Upon his death, his 155 acre country estate passed into the hands of the Huron-Clinton Metropolitan Authority. According to his son. horseback riding was his favorite and only recreational activity. He was buried in the Woodlawn Cemetery beside his wife, who died in 1945.