Chanuncey " Chan" Jerome Hamlin (1881-1963) received the Pugsley Gold Medal for his services in the establishment of Allegany State Park in western New York. He was born in Buffalo in 1881,only child of Harry Hamlin and Grace Enos. Chan attended Nicho;s school in Buffalo and then entered University earning A. B. in 1903. After graduation, he married in 1904 and attended UB Law School and graduated in 1905. He was active in the formation of the Progressive (Bull Moose) party and was Theodore's Roosevelt's campaign manager for Western New York. After the First World War, he returned to BSNS and during 1919 and early 1920 entered into its activities with characteristic zeal. He was elected president of BSNS in 1920.
From his association with BSNS, his interest apread to other museum activities. He was vice-president of the American Association of Museums from 1921-1923 and president from 1923-1929 and received distinguished service award in 1947. He was awarded with many honors. He received the honorary degree of LL.D from Alfred University in 1954. He was pesident of BSNS from 1920-1948. Following his retirement from BSNS presidency he moved to Carmel, California where he died on September 23, 1963 at the age of 82.