Norman S. Johnson (1913-2005) received the Pugsley Medal in 1966 for innovation in conservation at the local level and for his conservation philosophy which sets an example for the nation. He was born raised and educated in Los Angeles. He gradauted from Los Angels High School and from the University of Southern California in 1934 wher he majored in public administration. As a young man, he had a passion for sports, especially baseball, tennis and golf. After leaving university, he played semi-professional baseball for the Hollywood Stars in the third base position, and throughout his life he was an avid fan of the Los Angeles Dodgers.
Johnson began his professional career with the Texaco Oil Caompany in1932. In 1934, he was appointed to the position of field auditor for the Los Angeles County Auditor- Comptroller and remained with the county for the remainder of his working life with the exception of a four year period from 1942-1946 in the US Air Force. In 1948, Johnson became budget analyst in the county manager's office and teo year late he bcame ,anager for the county fire department. In 1952, he joined the County Parks and Recreation Department as business manger and a year later was promoted to executive assistant to the director. In 1956, he became director of parks and recreation and remained as director for 17 years until his retirement in 1973. During his tenure as director, the county parks and recreation department grew from relatively small parks department serving local neighborhoods in the unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County to a large multifaceted regional parks system serving all of the residents of Los Angeles County. Indeed it became the largest county parks and recreation department in the U.S.
At the time of his retirement the department had 1700 employees and was responsible for the administration and oversight of 22.000 acres of county parks ,16 county golf courses, county beaches and 37 swimming pools. He was a thoughtful caring man. At new employee orientation meeting, he frequently said " Enjoy your job but if you dont like working with people you are in the wrong business. Johnson took the leadership role in the developing Whittier Narrows and Bonelli regional parks and Castaic Lake and Recreation Area. In addition to his direct contributions at the county, Johnson was a catalyst who encouraged suburban municipalities in Los Angeles County to establish park and recreation departments, working with them on land acquisition and development. He also took an active role in encouraging the state to participate in park and recreation acquisition programs.
His retirement as a director marked the end of his first full-time career, but he promptly inititated a second which was deidicated to serving county retirees. Johnson was an elected member of the Los Angeles County Employees Retirement Association (LACERA) Board of Investments for 20 years. He served as Chairman of Board of Investments for 7 years and was recognized for his leaderdhip and for his support.