Recipient Biography

Peter Murphy


Peter M. Murphy, President and CEO of the Illinois Association of Park Districts, is thriving in a 44-year career with the Association. His enthusiasm for leading the charge to protect open space and enhance recreational opportunities for all is contagious, and his life’s work has enriched the lives of people in Illinois and throughout the nation.

One of his greatest career highlights includes working with the Illinois General Assembly, colleagues, and partners to establish a funding source for the Open Space Lands Acquisition and Development (OSLAD) program, which has provided more than $617 million in grants to Illinois park districts, forest preserves, conservation districts, and recreation agencies. Matched locally, this has resulted in more than $1.5 billion dollars being invested in the outdoor recreational infrastructure in communities throughout Illinois.

Peter is known for his tireless efforts to maintain the OSLAD program and prevent numerous threatened fund sweeps. In 2004, Peter led a campaign to protect the OSLAD fund and the Natural Areas Acquisition Fund from elimination. He was instrumental in forming Partners for Parks and Wildlife, a coalition of more than 130 park, environmental, and sportsmen’s organizations. Thanks to this group’s persistence, OSLAD and NAAF were reinstated in the State’s budget as was funding to keep the state parks open.

Peter partnered with The Trust for Public Land to conduct research resulting in two reports titled: Illinois Land at Risk, an assessment of park and open space needs across the state. These reports highlighted the staggering need for state funding for open space.

He spearheaded research that produced Parks & Forest Preserves Bring Value to Our Communities, a study that demonstrated the value of parks, natural areas, and recreational services at a time when anti-property tax sentiment was growing.

Peter successfully advocated for the passage of the Bicycle Path Grants Program, creating a dedicated funding source for bike paths statewide, and the Open Land Trust to fund projects protecting nearly 10,000 acres of land for natural areas and parks.

He represented IAPD as a founding member of the Governor’s Partners in Conservation coalition, which eventually became the Conservation Congress.

Peter secured a partnership with Living Lands & Waters, resulting in more than 126,000 trees planted by IAPD member agencies.

He established the Friends of Illinois Parks foundation to involve residents in preserving land and expanding recreational opportunities.

Peter worked diligently to pass legislation that created the Park District Youth License Plate program. Since this program’s inception, more than $825,000 has been granted to park and recreation agencies throughout Illinois, benefiting more than 60,000 children with educational programs emphasizing health, fitness, and nutrition.

He has published the Forest Preserve Law Handbook and Conservation Law Handbook, as well as several versions of The Park District Code.

Nationally, Peter has supported action on federal legislation to protect the Land and Water Conservation Fund and the Urban Parks and Recreation Recovery Program Fund. He has been a member of NRPA’s National Issues Action Committee, and he chaired the American Park and Recreation Society’s Legislative Committee.

In addition to his professional roles, Peter volunteered for 14 years as a youth baseball coach and eight years as a Cub Scout Pack Leader. He was President of the Springfield Park District’s Thomas Rees Carillon Society for 30 years and was an active board member on the Springfield Parks Foundation. He served 10 years on the Springfield Lake Shore Improvement Association and is a member of the Springfield Watershed Resource Planning Committee.

In 2003, he was inducted into the American Academy for Park & Recreation Administration, and in 2024, he was inducted into the Illinois Conservation Foundation’s Illinois Outdoor Hall of Fame.