Ronnie Gathers was named The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission’s Director of Parks and Recreation in Prince George’s County, MD, in 2007. Prior to that, he served as Acting Director and Deputy Director of Facility Operations for the department. Formerly, he was with M-NCPPC’s Montgomery County Parks Department and the U.S. Army Recreation Department.
Mr. Gathers has connected with Prince George’s County communities to develop strategic partnerships, and has worked with staff to emphasize customer service, community engagement, health and wellness programs, and services for youth and seniors.
Mr. Gathers holds a Bachelor's Degree in Physical Education and Recreation from South Carolina State University, a Master's Degree in Administrative Management from Bowie State University and graduated from the Harvard Kennedy School of Government for Senior Executives in State and Local Government. He is also a member of the National Park Trust Board of Trustees. [current as of 10/13]